DALI+ on Thread – a világítás vezérlési szabvány “új ruhája”

A DALI Szövetség 2021. májusában jelentette be a DALI+ megújult specifikációját, amely már a Thread IPv6 alapú hálózati rétegére épül és lehetővé teszi a vezeték nélküli kommunikációval rendelkező DALI eszközök bevezetését.

A DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface, digitálisan címezhető világítási interfész) egységes világítási vezérlési felületet biztosít az épületautomatizálási megoldásokhoz.

Kövess minket!

About okosotthon.guru

"Why isn't there a remote control for the bedroom lamp switch?" This issue launched me towards the world of smart-homes in 2013 and became determined to make my home even more comfortable, safer, and - last but not least, energy-efficient. I looked for solutions on the market for years. Even after a more thorough search, I was unable to navigate the plethora of options and solutions: There was no ultimate solution in the market or a person who could see through the rapidly changing smart-home market and help me to personalize my home. I spent the last few years exploring and testing opportunities, as well as self-education. I got to know the do-it-yourself solutions, the ready-made tools, and the complete building automation systems. I tried, disassembled to understand how it works, I made all the possible mistakes that can be made in this area. I have always strived to understand and learn about the different solutions comprehensively and endeavor to be able to decide on one or the other solution in the knowledge of their advantages and disadvantages. Over time, I have noticed that others have been in a similar situation to me at the time. They faced with opportunities that overwhelm them and are unable to choose between smart-home solutions. They feel they do not have the right information. I felt my job is helping them, so I founded Smartopert Ltd. and brought the Okosotthon Guru brand to life. As Okosotthon Guru, I help those who want a smart-home to have a "tailor-to-them smart-home", regardless of brand. Installers and electricians also sought out which solution I would recommend to them because they weren't aligned. So Smopet was born, providing professionals with up-to-date knowledge of the solutions on the market to be outstanding in their field and serve their clients' interests.
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